is now available in english

Did you already select the english version of our website? If not, this is awkward. is now partially translated to english. If your browser is set to any other language than german, our website should have showed a popup where you can switch between german and english. If you missed it, worry not: You can find a button labelled „Select language“ at the bottom of this page. Click it and the popup will appear once more.

In the future we plan to ship not only to germany but the whole continent of europe. So, if you live outside germany, you will also have a chance to buy Digimon TCG cards from our shop. Exciting, but we are not quite there yet. Due to legal and tax difficulties we did not roll out our service farther than the german borders until now. There are still many regulation we have to read and understand and also adjust our systems to meet all the requirements forced upon us by internation trade laws. Legal stuff and taxes are hard enough in one country. For an almost one-man-company, shipping outside ones region really comes with a lot of downsides.

But nevertheless, we are happy to work on this project and already put quite an amount of programming work into it. Stopping at something like a country border just wouldn’t seem right. But be aware, that not the whole website is translated like this article. Automated texts and several articles and pages will be translated. We will have a look into all products so each and every product will be translated.

We will write again, when there are more news about the progress of our little project named and are looking forward to open our shop to the rest of europe.